Issue #3 Transparency+Accountability

Murray on documenting historical corruption in the Apartheid era
Murray on documenting historical corruption in the Apartheid era
Sami's investigation after receiving leaked phone call logs
Sami's investigation after receiving leaked phone call logs
Watch, listen, collectively act!
Watch, listen, collectively act!
Eliot on how he determines the “where” from videos of weapons in Syria
Eliot on how he determines the “where” from videos of weapons in Syria
Paul on a project that enables cross border investigations
Paul on a project that enables cross border investigations
Furhan on creating a citizen reporting platform and providing journalism training
Furhan on creating a citizen reporting platform and providing journalism training
Sam asks who will decide what new laws are needed to control the use of drones?
Sam asks who will decide what new laws are needed to control the use of drones?
Lydia on how to use information creatively to hold governments accountable
Lydia on how to use information creatively to hold governments accountable
Chris, one of the developers of Security in-a-Box, answers five key questions
Chris, one of the developers of Security in-a-Box, answers five key questions
Juan on the growing popularity of civic hacking initiatives
Juan on the growing popularity of civic hacking initiatives
Zimbabwe's broken elections, Tendai's broken heart
Zimbabwe's broken elections, Tendai's broken heart


  • Peering through the looking glass As editors of this issue we think we'd better start with a confession. We have conflicting feelings about 'Transparency + Accountability' both as a development concept or movement and as an unfolding story. We're not sure who is being empowered and we're not clear if those of us in the development and human rights sectors are moving ahead too uncritically, too fast, still wow-ed by the promises of technology.
    Peering through the looking glass As editors of this issue we think we'd better start with a confession. We have conflicting feelings about 'Transparency + Accountability' both as a development concept or movement and as an unfolding story. We're not sure who is being empowered and we're not clear if those of us in the development and human rights sectors are moving ahead too uncritically, too fast, still wow-ed by the promises of technology.


  • @Info_Activism: How I connected with my autistic son through video games
  • @Info_Activism: Amazon gadget hijacks owner's heating after hearing radio report