The offline in the online: mapping violence against women in Pakistan

On a rainy day at the Camp, Furhan Hussain of Bytes for All, Pakistan, describes their mapping project, VawMap, the Violence Against Women Map.




VawMap, similar to the partner project Mapit on Take back the Tech, allows women in Pakistan to send reports via SMS or the internet about violence faced online and offline. By building up a credible database of incidents, Furhan believes policy advocacy with legal institutions and telecommunications companies can be more influential. Furhan also discusses the importance of building an offline community of partners to provide assistance to victims, verify information and build support for the project.


Furhan is an activist and a management professional based in Karachi. He is associated with Bytes for All, Pakistan, and his core focus revolves around digital rights advocacy and digital security trainings. His interests include freedom of expression, privacy and censorship issues, gender, art, and environment.

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